Managing PCOS in 2024: Your comprehensive guide

Dealing with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in this day and age can be incredibly challenging. Despite the growing understanding of PCOS and its implications, the internet remains flooded with mixed messages, making it hard to identify which advice is truly beneficial. This plethora of conflicting information can make managing PCOS seem like an uphill battle.


Unlike conditions with straightforward treatments, PCOS management requires a multi-faceted approach. Relying on random blog posts or social media influencers without solid evidence can be counterproductive. To effectively manage your PCOS symptoms and improve your overall health, a strategic, evidence-based plan is essential.

Research supports that a well-structured management plan can significantly reduce PCOS symptoms and enhance overall well-being. While consulting with a healthcare professional is ideal, I understand it may not be accessible for everyone. That’s why I’ve created this guide to help you craft a robust strategy for managing your PCOS effectively.

1. Establish clear goals

What do you aim to achieve with your PCOS management plan? Your goals might include regulating your menstrual cycle, reducing acne, managing weight, or improving insulin sensitivity. Clearly defined goals provide direction and motivation, helping you stay focused on your health journey.

2. Dedicate time for your health

Have you set aside time to focus on managing your PCOS? Successfully managing a chronic condition like PCOS requires consistent effort. It’s not enough to start with enthusiasm only to falter after a few weeks. You need to make time to:

  • Verify the reliability of your information sources.
  • Prepare nutritious meals and snacks.
  • Maintain a regular exercise routine.
  • Monitor your symptoms and progress.
  • Allocating sufficient time ensures that you can incorporate these essential tasks into your daily routine, improving your chances of success.

3. Plan specific actions

Once you've committed time to your health, it’s crucial to decide how to spend it effectively. Consider the following actions:

  • Research supplements and medications: Ensure any supplements or medications contain effective doses and are evidence-based. Not all products are beneficial, and some may not be necessary.
  • Meal planning and preparation: Schedule time each week to plan and prepare balanced meals that support hormonal balance and overall health.
  • Exercise routine: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine to help manage weight and improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Medical consultations: Regularly check in with your healthcare provider to monitor your condition and adjust your management plan as needed.

I always request lab work for all my clients to help guide our nutrition plan; These actions will help you create a personalised, practical and actionable plan, making it easier to stay on track and see objective improvements.

4. Identify challenges and solutions

Anticipate potential obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them. For example, one of my clients, Sara, struggled with finding time to eat healthy meals due to her busy schedule. We addressed this by creating a simple meal prep routine that fit her lifestyle, ensuring she always had nutritious options available. By being proactive, she could effectively manage her PCOS symptoms without compromising her busy work life.

In your case, you need to identify your unique challenges and devise practical solutions. Whether it’s time management, access to healthy foods, or maintaining motivation, addressing these challenges upfront will help you stay on course.

5. Stay accountable

Accountability can significantly enhance your success. Here are some ways to stay accountable:

  • Accountability partner: Partner with someone who shares similar health goals. Regular check-ins can help you both stay motivated and discuss progress
  • Professional support: Consider investing in a coaching program or working with a healthcare provider specializing in PCOS. For instance, Sara committed to a coaching program with me, which motivated her to prioritize her health and adhere to her management plan.

By holding yourself accountable, you’ll be more likely to stick to your plan and achieve your goals.

In summary, managing PCOS is a complex but achievable journey. By creating and following a structured strategy, you can significantly improve your symptoms and overall health. Remember, the key steps include establishing clear goals, dedicating time to your health, planning specific actions, identifying challenges, and staying accountable.

If you’re ready to take control of your PCOS, I’m here to help. With my expertise and personalised guidance, we can develop a tailored plan that suits your unique needs and lifestyle. I've helped hundreds of women reverse their PCOS symptoms once and for all; will you be my next success story? Book a FREE discovery call and let me help get you on the path to massive success!

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Nutritionist Resource are reviewed by our editorial team.

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London SW14 & E18
Written by Rania Salman, Registered Dietitian, PgDip (Merit), BSc (Honours), MBDA
London SW14 & E18

Rania Salman is a trained dietitian who uses an evidence-based approach to support you in reaching your goals. Her areas of expertise include Fertility, PCOS, weight loss/gain in addition to general health and well-being. She has worked in some of the most well-known NHS trusts, in addition to working for the private sector.

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